Join our FREE weekly support groups

In order to build our peer support network, serve our existing community and welcome new members, we have moved all weekly meetings using the Zoom for Healthcare Professionals platform:

Of course, you decide when it feels safe to turn your camera on and can remain anonymous should you choose.

(We do not share your contact information with anyone. It will only be used in the event we need to reach you with any future changes to our support groups or if we identify new ways to support you!)

The Nursing Support Group

Meets Thursdays at 7 pm EST/4 pm PST. 

This group is dedicated to nurses, nursing students & CNAs. Our goal is to disrupt lateral violence & stigma through vulnerability, community & storytelling.

Fill out this form if you’d like to join the Nursing Support group:

The Healthcare Support Group

Meets on Mondays at 8 pm EST/5 pm PST .

Our goal is to disrupt lateral violence & stigma through vulnerability, interdisciplinary community building & storytelling. Students in all healthcare fields are welcome as well.

Fill out the following form if you would like to join the Healthcare Support group:

Be sure to check your email each week to receive access to each group.

NOTE: You will not receive weekly updates if you are not subscribed to receive marketing emails.

Important: Your personal information will never be shared, your SAFETY is our number one priority and we believe adding these extra steps for security & validating entry are CRUCIAL.

If you have ANY QUESTIONS, please don’t hesitate to reach out to

Community engagement values.

Adopted from our collaborators at Introspective Spaces please consider supporting their work and accessing their offerings.


  • Respect

    • Use “I” statements

    • Use everyone’s pronouns

  • Mutuality

    • We want everyone to participate collaboratively with each other

    • Conscientiously make/take up space

  • Humility

    • Remain open to accountability and feedback

    • Commit to dismantling medical hierarchies 

  • Compassion

    • Listen for understanding, not to respond

    • Respect each other’s right to be human

  • Confidentiality

    • Commit to keeping what we share as a group confidential

  • That was such a good peer support call today. Everyone had a lot to bring to the call, and the issues were so relevant to this week.

    Brad S

  • I continue to attend the Don't Clock Out support groups—not just for my own well-being but also to offer encouragement and guidance to others who, like me, once felt lost.

    Kristy G

  • These calls help in so many ways. Above all, it’s empowering to share with others in the field who are coping with moral injury.

    Brad S

  • Thank you for having an online group that was able to be my safe space. When your online group started I was dealing with burnout and had to take a LOA. Your group was one of my first stepping stones to healing.


Peer Support Program

If you are a member of an organization and feel that you need more external support, Don’t Clock Out offers Healthcare Worker led Peer Support groups, training and consulting.

We bring a lens of lived experience as healthcare workers who have navigated institutional betrayal. We know healthcare workers need more support and we hope to build on existing infrastructure.

We don’t aim to tell healthcare workers what they need and only want to offer our resources if you feel we could bring in meaningful support. Reach out with any inquiries at

Storytelling is a core value we share as an organization. We believe that we heal best through shared community and reject the culture of isolation surrounding mental health in healthcare.

Your lived experiences matter.

You deserve to be heard.

We would love to hear your personal stories regarding mental health, wellness and any experiences with moral distress you may have faced in healthcare.

We will be sharing the stories submitted across social media and other forms of media to raise awareness, build community and remind our fellow healthcare workers they are not alone in their experiences.

Build your storytelling profile here

Sharing Your Stories.